Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)
The METT enables a quick evaluation of one specific site. It is much less detailed than an EoH so less comprehensive but it has the advantage to be easy to carry out and to give enough information to identify the main issues of the PA’s management that should be improved. METT assessment should be repeated over time (every year) to measure the progress and correct management actions on a continuous basis.
Download METT evaluations coordinated by PAPACO:
Although the METT available on this website are presented in different format, they actually contain all the criteria to be measured by the original METT tool as described in the document of reference. The rating of each criterion (score from 0 to 4) was voluntarily withdrawn because it is primarily intended to measure the progress of a single PA over time but it cannot be used to compare management effectiveness of different PA among themselves. Yet the RAPPAM is the tool to be used for comparing the management effectiveness among several PAs.
WH: World Heritage
RAMSAR: Ramsar site
MAB: Man and Biosphere
* Assessments carried out with the PA’s stakeholders but the latter have not given feedback on the final data compilation presented in this factsheet.