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Rapid Assessment and Prioritisation of Protected Areas Management (RAPPAM)

The RAPPAM enables a quick evaluation of protected area network at national or regional scale. This methodology provides protected areas agencies with a country (or regional)-wide overview of the effectiveness of protected area management, threats, vulnerabilities and degradation. It provides follow-up recommendations, and is an important first step in assessing and improving protected area management.

Download RAPPAM assessments of African protected area networks:

Scale of assessmentCountry or regionDate of assessment
Country wideBurkina FasoDec 2008
Country wideBurundiSept 2010
Country wideCongoJuly 2011
Country wideIvory CoastJuly 2007
Country wideGhanaDec 2009
Country wideGuineaFeb 2008
Country wideBissau GuineaMarch 2007
Country wideMaliNov 2007
Country wideMauritaniaOct 2007
Country wideNigerApr 2010
Country wideDemocratic Republic of CongoApr 2010
Country wideTogoApr 2008
Country wideChadJune 2008
Region wideWest African RAMSAR sitesJune 2009
Region wideWest African World Heritage sitesJune 2009
Region wideWest African marine protected areas (RAMPAO)June 2009
Region wideCongo Basin Forest ecosystem protected areas (Central Africa)May 2010