Since 2009, IUCN Papaco and Senghor University have worked together to develop training programmes dedicated to protected area practitioners.

Onsite training (for French speakers only)

Masters’ degree

This Masters’ Degree in Protected Area Management is organised onsite at Senghor University (in Alexandria). It targets students who already have some work experience, and young professionals who already have a Bachelors’ degree. Seven cohorts have been trained since 2009.

For French-speakers only.

University Diploma

The University Diploma targets more experienced professionals (25 to 40 years old) who have a Bachelors’ degree or several years of experience. It is organised by Papaco, onsite for 8 weeks, in West or Central Africa. Nineteen sessions have been completed.

For French-speakers only.

Online training

The MOOCs are online courses open to all. They target actors interested in conservation, regardless of their level of education or line of work. 95,000 learners have already followed the courses on, and 9,000 attestations have been granted

Students who passed all the MOOCs and received attestations of success may pass an extra exam. If they succeed, they receive an Online studies Certificate in Protected Area Conservation (PAC) from Senghor University. For now, this exam is only available in French.

Ongoing session: February to 30 June 2024
Enrol now (self-paced):

Next exam to obtain the online Certificate in PAC: 19 June 2024
To apply: click here


Essentials are hosted on the same website and are online courses focusing on the acquisition of skills according to one’s profile (guard, technician, manager and decision-maker). They were launched in 2021 and have already attracted over 5,000 learners.

Essentials are always open.

Youth educational platform

An educational platform for young people between the ages of 10 and 17 years old is currently being developed on It is meant to be a fun and informative platform which would be used as a teaching aid by teachers. It completes the current offering which, up until now, had been reserved for adults.

Platform online in French and in English.