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The News on African Protected Areas (NAPA) is a monthly newsletter produced by Papaco. The NAPA deals with current events, studies, trainings, interviews, jobs advertising – all related to protected areas across the whole continent.

To subscribe and receive the NAPA every month, tick the NAPA box and fill out the form.

All previous NAPAs are available on this page:

192JanuaryMOOC and Youth Conservation: our results for 2024 – Launch of a new Tutorial on PA management planning
193FebruaryDiscover our podcasts on nature conservation – Testimonies from the field from Youth Conservation
181JanuaryYouth Conservation: testimonies – Sustainable use of natural ressources in PAs
182FebruaryTraining and educating about nature conservation: a review of MOOC and Youth conservation!
183MarchSoil erosion control in African PAs
184AprilOur new tutorial on environmental education – Testimonies from Youth Conservation
185MayRefugees and conservation: case study in Chad – News from our online trainings
186JuneMarine Protected Areas in West Africa – Youth conservation updates
187JulyMonitoring of biodiversity in PAs – Tutorial on Environmental Education – Youth Conservation
188SeptemberMOOC en Youth Conservation data analysis
189OctoberEnvironmental amnesia – Launch of our tutorial on WORDS – News from Youth Conservation
190NovemberHuman-Wildlife Conflicts – News from both Youth and MOOC Conservation !
191DecemberOne Health: how nature and health are closely linked? News from MOOC and YOUTH conservation
170JanuaryMOOC Figures, The Development World
171FebruaryNew MOOC data
172MarchCOP 15 Global Biodiversity Framework
173AprilIllicit economies and national parks
174MayTriumfetta Lepidota
175JuneBiodiversity and economics
176JulyMOOC data and ecotourism in Madagascar
177SeptemberYouth Conservation and news from our ambassadors
178OctoberTourism and health in protected areas
179NovemberRangers and communities: building trust!
180DecemberHuman/Wildlife conflicts in West and Central Africa
159JanuaryGeoheritage ; University diploma 18
160FebruaryFreshwater protected areas ; University diploma 19 (call for applications)
161MarchConflict and conservation
162AprilAmbassadors Part 1
163MayAmbassadors Part 2
164JuneYouth Conservation
165JulyMarine mammals, Papbio, UD field trip
166SeptemberMOOC new session with testimonials
167OctoberYouth Conservation launch, new ambassadors, PapBio environmental crime, CITES poaching report
168NovemberWebinars, Youth Conservation tutors, Red List West Africa
169DecemberOther free courses, new ambassadors
148JanuaryMOOC updates, Okavango, Connectivity Guidelines
149FebruaryMOOC updates, Essentials, PAGM
150MarchPrivately protected areas
151AprilMarine protected areas
153JunePAGM Engagement and participation
154JulyNature 2030, Parakou University
155SeptemberIUCNcongress, MOOC TPE
156OctoberMarine protected areas
157NovemberState of protected areas in Eastern and Southern Africa
158DecemberManagement of threats
137JanuaryStudent demographics, Cap Dev 2020
138FebruaryMOOC session launch, Cap Dev 2020, CITES in West Africa
139MarchEthics in IUCN, blockchain, MOOCs and onsite courses
140AprilCapacity development, COVID-19, MOOC testimonials
141MayPrivately protected areas, COVID-19, U.D. testimonials
142JunePAGM chapter 11, certificate on protected area conservation
143JulyThe future of African protected areas, WCPA and Covid
144SeptemberZoonotic diseases and biodiversity
145OctoberMOOC audit
146NovemberMOOC ambassadors stories and new conservation tool (Baotree)
147DecemberEnd MOOC session 2020, PA-BAT+
126JanuaryValues and benefits of protected areas
127FebruaryOverview of PAPACO online and on site courses.
128MarchThe design of African Protected Areas
129AprilThe design of African Protected Areas part 2
130MayPAGM Chapter 7 – Governance for conservation
131JuneTourism in protected areas
132JulyMOOC Valorisation of PA resources
133SeptemberPAPACO ambassadors, research and conservation
134OctoberFAQ, MOOC New technologies, PAGM Managing protected areas
135NovemberTestimonies and excerpt from the MOOC Tech, fatalism and climate
136DecemberEx situ conservation and genetics
115JanuaryMOOCs on PA management: program for 2018
116FebruaryConservancies in Kenya and Namibia – MOOCs
117MarchSpecies conservation in PAs – MOOCs
118AprilSustainable tourism: concessions and partnerships
119May“The Sixth mass extinction” by Richard Leakey
120JuneLaws and conservation of PA – MOOCs
121JulyThe cost of conservation for communities – MOOCs
122SeptemberPAGM Chapter 3 – MOOCs
123OctoberIUCN World Heritage Outlook 2 – MOOC Sponsors
124NovemberPAGM Chapter 3 – MOOC Sponsor
125DecemberWhy do a PhD in conservation? – Red List update
104JanuaryMOOC on PA management: assessment of impacts – Green List in Benin
105FebruaryInnovative funding of PAs in Africa
106MarchManaging Multi International Designations
107AprilStandards for Key Biodiversity Areas – MOOC
108MayMOOC – Carnivores in Africa – Pendjari NP
109JuneGuidelines on Rangers capacities and training – Discussion on lion trophy hunting – MOOC
110JulyConservation of Marine Protected Areas
111SeptemberAntipoaching in African Protected Areas – MOOC
112OctoberIUCN national committees – MAB mono reserve – MOOC
113NovemberSpecies reintroduction – Panorama – MOOC – UD
114DecemberGovernance of non state PA in Kenya – MOOC – GL
93JanuaryConservation and civil society in Africa
94FebruaryIUCN Identification and Gap Analysis of Key Biodiversity Areas / The Earth Skills Network: Training and Mentoring to Support Management Effectiveness / Consultancy on illicit trade in wildlife and wildlife products
95MarchWCPA strategy on capacity building in PAs _ feedbacks on MOOC GAP 2015
96AprilUNESCO biosphere reserves in Africa
97MayEU conservation strategy in Africa
98JuneEU strategic approach to wildlife conservation in Africa
99JulyEquity in protected areas
100SeptemberSuccess stories in West and Central African PAs
101OctoberResilience and Adaptation Planning for climat change
102NovemberUrban protected areas: management and governance
103DecemberConnected solutions for conservation of PAs
82JanuaryThe Promise of Sydney / The threat posed by unregulated use of poison to Africa’s biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health / A climate change vulnerability assessment of West African species
83FebruaryTraining courses on PA management: assessment of ongoing initiatives and perspectives (PAPACO & MOOC) / The Earth Skills Network: Training and Mentoring to Support Management Effectiveness
84MarchGovernance of PAs in Africa – A global review
85AprilPrivate governance of PAs (Part 1)
86MayPrivate governance of PAs (Part 2)
87JuneState governed PAs
88JulyShared governance of PAs
89SeptemberLarge-scale extinction of large carnivores in PAs of West and Central Africa / Developing a long-term vision for elephants and people / Investigation on the state of large and medium-size wildlife in Bafing PAs
90OctoberMOOC and PAPACO website / Exploring options for Pooling the Administrative, Investment Management, and Training Functions of Conservation Trust Funds
91NovemberSystematic conservation planning systems for PAs in the face of climate change in West Africa / Regional climate projections and projections of change in ecosystem services under climate change / Strategic elements for anti-poaching / From local biodiversity conservation initiatives to national strategies
92DecemberState of biodiv conservation in W and C Africa
71JanuaryResults and effects of major conservation projects on PAs in Central and West Africa (I/III) / JRC workshop on remote sensing for conservation (Ispra, Italy) / AniMove
72FebruaryResults and effects of major conservation projects on PAs in Central and West Africa (II/III)
73MarchResults and effects of major conservation projects on PAs in Central and West Africa (III/III) / The Earth Skills Network: Training and Mentoring to Support Management Effectiveness
74April22 stories on conservation in Africa for the IUCN World Parks Congress
75MayWildlife monitoring practices and use in Central Africa / International conference: “Ecosystems, Economy, and Society: how large-scale restoration can stimulate sustainable development”
76JuneEcological monitoring of PAs in Central Africa (4 monitoring systems) / BIOPAMA: Convening stakeholders
77JulyNature conservation and environmental management by communities / SIF: Satellite tags attached to 2 of Aldabra’s green turtles
78SeptemberEnvironmental complementarity between public, private and communities PAs / Words from local stakeholders in West and Central Africa / Training course – CIRAD: Wildlife and development / Green List of PAs
79OctoberIUCN World Parks Congress: on the road to the Congress
80NovemberThe shift of African PAs / Development or Conservation?
81DecemberModels of shared governance in francophone Africa (integrating local communities) / The Green List
60JanuaryConserving dryland biodiversity / IUCN news from Madagascar / WCPA: Capacity building in sub-Saharan Africa
61FebruaryInvasive plants in PAs of West Africa (Part 1) / Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Program (BIOPAMA) / Beekeeping Benin
62MarchInvasive plants in PAs of West Africa (Part 2) / West African Savannah Foundation in Benin (FSOA) / News on African elephant and rhinos
63AprilCapacity building needs and offers in West and Central Africa / Consultation workshop between extractive industries and World Heritage sites / Forest elephants close to extinction / FRB: Modeling and scenarios of biodiversity / Good governance of NGOs / Business skills for World Heritage Program for 2013
64MayLaw enforcement monitoring in PAs
65JuneIncreased involvement of local communities in management of PAs (interview) / Ecological resilience and socio-economic development: Dja Biosphere reserve / Ending illegal activities in Togodo-Sud National Park (Togo) / Kenya: Elders and poaching / Summary: IUCN Great Apes Conservation and Forest Certification / WCPA: Proving natural solutions to 21st century challenges / The Marrakesh Declaration
66JulyFuture for lions in Waza National Park, Cameroon / Pepper to reconcile men and elephants around Pendjari National Park / Local conservation of the bonobos / Harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants
67SeptemberClimate change, PAs, and communities in Togo / IUCN: vertebrate fauna in West and Central Africa / Fire monitoring system / Vultures: wildlife poaching
68OctoberConservation Trust Funds vs Project approach for Biodiversity Conservation
69NovemberEcological restoration for PAs
70DecemberIUCN World Parks Congress, Sydney 2014 / The Atewa Range Forest Reserve (Ghana)
49JanuaryGovernance and PA stakeholders in West Africa
50FebruaryImplementing management plans in West and Central African PAs
51MarchPA in Congo (Brazzaville)_ Research program in Southern Africa _ Sustainable funding of PA _ Elephants in north Cameroun
52AprilIUCN Red List
53MayA road map for African protected areas, first axe: healthy PAsLocal governance to the rescue of biological diversity
54JuneA road map for African protected areas, second axe: efficient PAsSensitization on environment conservation: an example in MadagascarTowards a better governance at all levels: what ambition for Rio+20?
55JulyA road map for African protected areas, third axe: sustainable PAsAn IUCN/WCPA initiative to improve the management of PAs: Green ListFinancing of conservation strategies?Consultation and land-use planning as a tool for conservation management
56SeptemberComments about the Road Map for African PAs / Innovative financing of the Gola Rainforest, Sierra Leone / Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+): evolution
57OctoberWorld Conservation Congress in Jeju / Extracts from IUCN position paper: PAs and the Aïchi Targets / Governance / CEPF invests in the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot  
58NovemberE-learning for PA management / CEDAMM: Wildlife Conservation Society training
59DecemberPAs and their categories / Great Apes Survival: cautions conservation vigilance / WCPA: PAs / African World Heritage Funds
38JanuaryThe protected areas program of IUCN in West and Central Africa (Papaco), what we did, what we expect to do…
39FebruaryLocal economic values of savanna protected areas
40MarchDRC parks _ Deux Balé park (Burkina)_ training courses for parks managers_ Rüppel vultures in Niger
41AprilLegal and institutional arrangements for PA management in West Africa_How to protect and recover forest areas in Benin _ Training courses for parks managers in Ouagadougou _ Database on birds in Niger
42MayProgram on “local conservation”
43JuneManagement of protected areas in Burundi, Benin and Liberia
44JulyWorld Heritage in Africa _ Local initiatives in Togo
45September“Mining” in West Africa and its possible (positive or not) impacts on conservation of protected areas
46OctoberClimate change and the role of protected areas in adaptation processes
47NovemberePA management training courses _ small grants for conservation _ REDD+_ IUCN world congress (2012)_ “Best practices guidelines” _Discussion about what “wilderness” means nowadays
48DecemberBiodiversity and protected areas in East and South Africa
27JanuaryAssessment of RAMSAR / Community Marine Protected Area sites in Bambourg (Senegal) (in French only)
28FebruaryDesertic protected areas (in French only)
29MarchEvaluation Ghana / African Bush Cam interview
30AprilLand-use planning (CARPE Program)
31May« Organe subsidiaire chargé de fournir des avis scientifiques, techniques et technologiques » (SBSTTA) / Programme de travail sur les APs (PTAP)
32JuneConservation des éléphants
33JulyGrande chasse et conservation
34SeptemberPaiements pour Services Environnementaux (PES) / Évaluation Niger
35OctoberEcotourisme et conservation
36NovemberRôle et place des ONGs locales dans la conservation des AP d’Afrique de l’Ouest
37DecemberConclusions de notre forum des ONG locales
15JanuaryAPAO’s first review (in French only)
16FebruaryExtractive industries (in French only)
17MarchLaunching the Master on PA management (in French only)
18AprilPrivate sector participation in PA management / Evaluation Burkina Faso / Hunting tourism in Africa (in French only)
19MayStrategy control of the Typha australis / Co-management in the Aïr and Ténéré nature reserve in Niger (in French only)
20JuneWritings and poems (in French only)
21JulyAPAO mid-term review / CMAP Steering Committee meeting (in French only)
22SeptemberImproving the management of PAs in West Africa / The future of the work program on PAs of the Convention on Biological Diversity / Use of trap camera in desert environments (in French only)
23OctoberOn-going training on PA management (in French only)
24NovemberThematic reflections on improving the management of PAs (in French only)
25DecemberCommunity areas (in French only)
26DecemberPhotos (in French only)
4JanuaryEvaluation Mauritania / UNESCO Man and Biosphere Regional Program (in French only)
5FebruaryEvaluation Mali / European Commission (in French only)
6MarchMarine protected areas (in French only)
7AprilEvaluation Guinea / Creation of the PA of Termit in Niger / 3rd World Congress of Biosphere Reserves (Madrid) (in French only)
8MayMaster GAP
9JuneA few actions by the World Heritage Sites in West Africa / “Children and elephants of the region of Boromo” Program (in French only)
10JulyFunding conservation (in French only)
11SeptemberEvaluation Chad and Togo / Work Program on PAs (PoWPA) / Human-lion conflict in the Upper Nigeria National Park, Guinea (in French only)
12OctoberEquity (in French only)
13NovemberLocal initiatives (in French only)
14DecemberInstitutions et local initiatives (in French only)
1OctoberEvaluation Guinea-Bissau / Equity workshop Dakar (in French only)
2NovemberAPAO project (in French only)
3DecemberEvaluation Ivory Coast / Classification of PAs by ecoregions (in French only)